In early 2020, Jim Schwab, FAICP and his long-time friend and videographer David Taylor, conceived the idea that the Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Planning Division (HMDR) division could develop a documentary film on the role of planning in helping communities address challenges posed by natural disasters and climate change. Initially delayed by the pandemic, the project got underway in late 2021.Our core team managing the project has expanded steadily, and scores of regional volunteers have assisted travel and logistics to support the film.

Our goal with Planning to Turn the Tide: Creating Resilient Communities is to share compelling stories and commentary about the challenges posed by natural disasters and climate change. So far we have traveled to Florida, Texas, Colorado, California, and Iowa to interview planners, business leaders, public officials, and experts about how communities can best meet these growing threats and create resilient communities that can thrive in the face of adversity. Planners have a critical role to play in convening partners and implementing practice and policy to create more resilient communities. We aim to contribute to a growing chorus of voices awakening to the high costs of inaction and lack of attention to natural hazards.

To date, we have completed more than 80 interviews and are moving ahead with editing and production on the film itself. Our goal is to share a segment of the film with APA members at the 2025 APA National Conference, and to seek additional grant funding to complete the film.

View the latest trailer on YouTube

Support the Project with a Donation Today!

APA created a donations page on its website to enable online donations directly dedicated to this project. Funds support travel for the film crew, needed supplies, and other film development and promotional costs.

Persons preferring to send a check may mail a donation to:

APA Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Planning Division, P.O. Box 34818, Philadelphia PA 19101.

We appreciate every individual and corporate donation to support the development of this important film. We will also reward contributors with ongoing information, our progress, and special viewing opportunities.

Tier 1 ($10,000 and up)

Tier 2 ($5,000-$9,999)

Tier 3 ($1,000-$4,999)

Tier 4 ($500-$999)

Tier 5 ($100-$499)

Tier 6 ($10-$99)

Thank you, donors!

To date, we wish to recognize the following who contributed prior to the creation of the donations link:

Tier 1 contributors ($10,000 and up)

Tier 2 contributors ($5,000-$9,999):


Tier 3 contributors ($1,000-$4,999):

APA Divisions Council (Product Development Grant)

Association of State Floodplain Managers (in-kind donation)

Michael Baker International

JEO Consulting

Tier 4 contributors ($500-$999):

Jim Schwab Consulting LLC

OVID Solutions

Richard Roths, AICP

Clarion Associates

Punchard Consulting

Tier 5     ($100-$499)

Eugene Henry, AICP

Tier 6     ($10-$99)

William Cesanek, AICP

Kate De Gennaro

Kara Drane, AICP

Karla Ebenbach, AICP

Alejandro Fuentes

James Schwab, FAICP

Michele Steinberg

Chad Nabity, AICP